Tutoring in NorthWest

NorthWest Maths and English Tutoring Experts

If you're searching for maths or English tutoring West Auckland, come and check out our NorthWest tuition centre. We're part of a network of tutoring centres West Auckland parents review highly.


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2/28 The Avenue, Albany 0632

Individual tuition programmes

Our curriculum-linked programmes are designed by experts to deliver the results your child needs (catch-up, extension or exam prep), while also building confidence and increasing love of learning. We teach children aged 5 to 16 and regular reports show how your child is improving. Every student has an individualised programme and works towards agreed personal goals. Results are celebrated.

Maths tutoring

Effective and engaging maths tuition will ensure your child has the numeracy knowledge and thinking skills required for improved maths performance. We help children who struggle with maths, as well as those who are gifted.

English tutoring

Whether your child is a reluctant reader and writer or an aspiring novelist, we can prescribe a needs-based English tuition programme. Our tutoring complements schoolwork and follows the New Zealand curriculum.

Ready to book an assessment?

A NumberWorks’nWords assessment for English and/or Maths will provide you with valuable insight into how your child is progressing.

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Meet the Owners: Alison & Chelsea

NorthWest Alison England

Hi, we are Alison and Chelsea, a mother and daughter team proudly owning and operating NumberWorks'nWords NorthWest. We opened NumberWorks'nWords NorthWest in 2020, after 12 years of owning and managing NumberWorks'nWords Henderson. Alison comes from a strong education background with 30+ years experience. Chelsea joined Alison in 2008 at NumberWorks'nWords Henderson, after she realised her passion for children and learning. We have always been passionate about giving every child an equal opportunity for a quality education. NumberWorks’nWords does this through our focus on the individual student and their progress towards their true potential. Our individualised approach to learning offers every student the opportunity to succeed, whether they need remedial or extension work, or just a confidence boost. 

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Term Dates 2025

  • Term 1
  • Tuesday 27th January - Friday 11th April 
  • Holidays:
  • Thursday 6th February - Waitangi Day
  • Friday 18th April - Monday 21st April - Easter 
  • Friday 25th April - ANZAC Day
  • Term 2
  • Monday 28th April - Friday 27th June
  • Holidays:
  • Monday 2nd June - King's Birthday
  • Friday 20th June - Matariki 
  • Term 3
  • Monday 14th July - Friday 19th September
  • Term 4
  • Monday 06th October - Friday 12th December
  • Holidays:
  • Monday 27th October - Labour Day